We have compiled some of the most Frequently Asked Questions here for your information; if the answer to your question is not here, please contact us with your query to [email protected].
When does registration open?
We are now taking applications for our 2025 courses. Applications are opened until March 31st. Please note courses may fill up before this date!
How do I apply?
Download a form on our courses page http://bafs.ie/summer/ or email us at [email protected].
How much experience do I need?
For student courses you do not need any experience but you must be either enrolled in a college programme or recently graduated to qualify for our accredited courses. The internship program requires that you have a minimum of 4 weeks field/lab experience.
What is the application process?
We require a completed application form and 2 letters of recommendation (these can be from an employer but one should be from someone at your university) to be submitted to [email protected]. To secure a place we require a deposit of €500 with the remaining fees to be paid by the relevant due dates.
What does the cost include?
Our course costs include tuition, course credits, homestay accommodation for the time you are on the program, all meals and field trips as well as a BAFS Tshirt.
Which institution is providing accreditation?
Our two certificate courses are run in conjunction with and accredited by Dundalk Institute of Technology. See:
Do I need a visa for Ireland?
To check if you need a visa for Ireland please visit the immigration section of the Irish Government website at http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/Irish%20Visa%20Information
Please also remember to bring a letter confirming your attendance at the field school along with your passport.
How do I get to Trim?
Trim is situated about 45km from Dublin City and 48km from Dublin Airport. Buses run from Dublin city centre to Trim hourly. Alternatively, Students can take a taxi cab directly from the airport to Trim.
What do I need to pack?
Irish summers are variable and while it could be hot and dry when you get here this could change drastically within a day. Bring a lot of light layers and include waterproof boots jacket and trousers. Don’t forget a hat and sun cream.
In addition to preparing for the weather please also bring;
- A notebook for journal entries while you are on site. This should be ruled on one page and graphed, ideally with metric units, on the other.
- A trowel 3.5″ WHS standard or equivalent eg, Marshallstown.
Will I receive a refund if BAFS cancel their 2025 programs?
In the unlikely event that we cancel any of our programs, we will offer students the choice of a full refund (minus any associated bank charges) or the option to defer their place to a later program.
If I sign up for a course that is not cancelled, but my parents or home institution will not allow me to travel, will I receive a refund?
Should you have to cancel your place on the course, you have the option to defer your place to a later date or to receive a refund of fees less the non-refundable deposit. If it is less than 4 weeks to the start date of your course, all fees paid are non-refundable.
Useful links